As planned, this week we spent the whole session in the swimming pool.

At first we started off with just swimming from one side to the other and get them used to the water. We then moved onto free style, checking each and everybody’s form and whether they are doing the right movement or not.

Today we thought them a new swimming stroke, the breast stroke. We believed that now many of the children are at a level to advance to the next step. Breast stroke is little harder than free style in terms of the movement, therefore it was very challenging for us to teach them. Some of them have gotten the movement and seemed to be doing pretty good, but more than half of them are still not getting the movements right, and this is an area that we, as a group, need to collaborate together to help them improve their breast strokes.

Later on, some of them said they wanted to try diving, and therefore we gave them an opportunity to dive, even though we thought it could be dangerous as they cannot reach the bottom of the pool at the deep end. However, all of them were really enjoying it and it looked to me that they didn’t have a fear of not being able to reach the bottom. This was a clear evidence that their swimming skills are improving. Compared to the very first session of this year when the children were all scared to come into water, this is an amazing improvement and something that we and they should be proud of!

Next week will be an IT session followed by cricket.