Food and Fun Fair

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On the 12th of March, there was Food and Fun Fair at our school. Our grade 11 came up with football shoot out and I took part in it as a goalie.

I’ve undertaken a new challenge by being a goalie. Although I wasn’t really familiar with it, I’ve always wanted to experience what it’s like to be a goalie and this was a perfect opportunity.

Since I was working with Camie, Toni and others who were responsible for organizing this for about 30 minutes, I worked collaboratively with them so that everything runs smoothly (we had many challengers!). Through this participation, I was engaged with issues of global/local importance, as the money raised was going to one of the community and service projects at OSC (we later decided to send the money to Japan Tsunami Fund). Hopefully even the little money we’ve raised will help the victims and Japan to recover quickly.

I’ve also considered the ethical implication, when the small kids were shooting. Since the small kids couldn’t kick very hard, it was very easy for me to just pick up the ball, but I thought that I should let them score a few so that they feel happy afterwards.

This was a very good experience for me and although I don’t see my talent in being a goalie, I feel that this can certainly be an area for growth in the future. If a oppotunity arises, I’ll undertake the challenge again and enjoy as I gain more experience.

Picture of myself standing in front of the goal...

Art Project Update 3

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There had been a change in the Art Project members and Savinda and Vidura were moved to SOS Village. From now on, our members will be:





Organizing the tools room has been completed. We gave quite an effort to clean and organize the room from the very beginning. Now that one of the goals, “organize the room where most of the tools are kept. Label the boxes and sort the tools in each box so that tools are not in any random boxes, and students can easily access the tools”, is finished, we’re focusing on other goals. During the past few weeks, we’ve been focusing on working towards achieving these following goals:

  • Tidy up where all the color pencils, erasers, scissors and other commonly used tools are kept
  • File papers, colored papers, paper-boards and card-boards in the correct place
  • Categorize the brushes according to the different sizes, separate the usable brushes and unusable brushes
  • Sharpen pencils and sort each pencil according to the type, darkness, and size.

 In order to achieve these goals, we need to show continuous effort, as after a few weeks, they’ll end up in a mess again. In order to avoid these issues, we’re posting notices on the wall etc, asking to return things back to where they came from. So far, this has shown some effect and students seem to be putting things back to where they came from, especially the brushes.

Another thing we’ll s

tart doing next time is to start organizing the grade 12’s Art Room. As their exams have ended, now we’re in a position to clean and tidy up the room. There are many tools and other things all over the place, so we’ll be working towards sorting out these tools and tidying up the room.

In terms of our achievements of the goals, I believe that we’re going a good job and is helping the students and Ms. Barnett. This is never ending job as there’s always something to tidy up, organize etc and I’m not sure how much we can do, but we’ll do our best and work towards making a better environment for the students and the teachers.

Art Project has set of goals but because other issues come regularly, such as organizing the papers, paint inks and so on, I strongly feel that planning is very important. Before starting our work, we ask Ms. Barnett if there is any specific things that she wants us to do, and if not, we plan ourselves what we’ll try to accomplish for the day. As this project is pretty much organized by us, planning and initiating is very important and so far, I believe that everybody is contributing well and working collaboratively with each other. Although we don’t clearly see an end in this project, we’re showing a great commitment and perseverance. Everybody has been attending every week and this will enable us to work on other things which are not part of the goals, but something which will help the students and the teachers. We’re often confronted with new tasks, however we’re undertaking the challenge well and the more we face these challenges, the more I feel that we’re solving the issues within the community scale. The amount of workload there is in this project shows that this project should be an ongoing project, and although it is a small project and not very well known in the school, I believe that our contribution is making a difference within the school and helping the community.

There are about 6 more weeks left until the end of this school and we hope that we can accomplish all our goals and in addition do extra work to challenge ourselves and show that this project is really worthwhile for the art students and the teachers.

After sorting out the paint brushes...

Sorting out the paint brushes...

Key Club Account Opened!

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This week the account has been opened for the Key Club in the business office. As the money we’ve raised is with the PTA, the money will be transferred to the account after the holiday.