The last year of IBDP as started, and similar to last year, my committment to the CAS will always be evident throughout the IB on this blog!

In terms of the outcome of CAS, one of the main goals is to fulfill all the 8 criteria, which are:

  1. Increase awareness of the own strengths and areas for growth
  2. Undertake new challenges
  3. Plan and initiate activities
  4. Work collaboratively with others
  5. Show perseverance and commitment in the activities
  6. Engage with issues of global importance
  7. Consider the ethical implications of the actions
  8. Develop new skills

These are the most important component in CAS and I hope to address these criteria frequently as to show that my learning is something significant.


One of the main actions in this semester is to try out for the football tournament in Sri Lanka. The tournament will take place towards the end of September.

Another action is to come for the community basketball on Saturday. As this is totally optional, I may not come every week, but I hope to come as many times as I can.

If time and my schedule allows, I hope to try some sports for after school activities in the second block, which starts around in November.


The Art Project, which we’ve run last year has now come to an end, and I’ve joined Sunflower Village, as it lack the students who are involved in it. I will be the vice leader of this community service (leader: Avin) and I hope to collaborate with Avin and successfully run this service.

If there are any other activities, whether in school or outside school, where I can get involved in some service activities, I hope to do so and all of them will be reflected on this blog.


This section is probably the part that I lacked the most last year. Therefore I’ll make an effort in getting involved in creative activities. I may join a musical club or some other activity for the second block of after school activities, and if possible, get involved in the offstage staff member for some drama production in the school.