Today was the first time of the after school badminton. We were informed that 4 courts will be set up, but there were 8 courts set up, so we can now have 16 people in this after school activity.

First of all, we spent a few minutes stretching and doing some warm ups, as it is important to do so before playing badminton.  

After that, we’ve asked the students if they want to learn badminton or just play badminton for fun and relaxation. We were hoping that about the half of them would want to learn and the other half wanting to play for fun and relaxation, however, it turned out that everybody wanted to just play badminton for fun and enjoy as much as possible.

Therefore today, all we did was pair students up and let them play freely. Occasionally we told them to find a new partner, etc and towards the end, we played doubles.

To summarize, today’s badminton was just to know what everybody wanted out of this after school activity and also for Mr. De Silva, Mo and myself to learn who can play fairly well, who needs some more improvements, etc, so that we can come up with plans for the future. I will soon make another post regarding the plans for the next week onwards.