Last week Thursday, a group of students from a local school came for the first time. In order to maximize the time we can spend teaching them how to swim, we’ve come up with a plan in advance regarding what to do.

At first, we introduced ourselves and we asked the kids to write down their names. After that, we split them into two groups; those who can already swim a little and those who are absolute beginners. Jacov and Ravin were in charge of looking after those kids who can swim already and Avin, Yariq and I taught those kids who are beginners.

Since this was the first time the kids got into the pool, we taught them very basic things, such as kicking, sinking in the water for a few seconds etc with the help of Mr. Stanley.

For the last 20 minutes or so, we got some water polo balls and played with them. As the kids get more comfortable with swimming in the pool, we’ll also teach them how to play water polo and get to know each other well.